Over 26 years experience in building meaningful connections to help your business flourish

A blog about a blog

They say in networking you have to “know, like and trust” someone before you can work with them and a blog is an excellent way of beginning that relationship.

What is a blog?

The dictionary tells us that it is a web site containing a writer’s or group of writer’s own experiences, observations, opinions etc and often has images and links to other website.

Well it is normally on a topic that you are familiar with or are an expert on. As mentioned earlier it is your own thoughts though you may bring in statistics etc from other sources.

Why write a blog?

Well there are various reasons, it may be to direct traffic to your web site and up your search ratings. However, more importantly it is there to show you as an expert in your field.

It is an opportunity for you to highlight a part of your work and share knowledge on it, be the thought leader and be the respected expert in your subject.

Impart information and knowledge for the person reading it to learn from it but also to let them know you really do know what you are talking about.

It is an opportunity for you to gain trust in the reader as you are giving some of your knowledge for free and proving that you really do know your topic.

What isn’t a blog?

It isn’t an advertisement, so many times we see blogs state “this is why you should use me”, be thoughtful that the person reading it has found your blog for a reason and no one likes being sold to.

Imagine you were at a networking event and the person you were speaking to was purely selling to you. That is not what a blog should be used for.

Of course you can use case studies you have worked with and there will always be references to you, the work you do and your company so if the person does want to use your services now or in the future they are aware of how to engage further with you.


So in short, share your knowledge on your specialist subject, write clearly and concisely and never sell!

Edmondson's Professional Services Ltd trading as The Business Network Chester. Company No. 11301014.
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